March 2024
Principal Corner
Arrowhead Community,Golden Apple award this year for being one of the state’s most powerful educators, weaves identity into everything she does. She tells us to bring our whole humanity to the children, and to see them in their full humanity every single day. That’s her lesson plan – see the children as they show up and meet them with her whole self. This year at Arrowhead we launched integrated Elementary Advanced Program (EAP) services. Many of us wondered how reading and writing would go, given that staff were expected to deliver both gen-ed and EAP reading and writing lessons at the same time to a mixed group of students. How did it go? I have never seen such huge growth in our students’ ability to read and write, in their ability to understand language and communicate their ideas. Our January test scores were off the chart for all learners in integrated classrooms. Children learn from each other. It’s a common misperception that students who are “advanced” are always in the teacher role. Instead, what really happens – particularly with communication skills, which is essentially what reading and writing are - is that children build their understanding of the world and language when they spend time with people whose lived experiences are different than theirs. Our children are building relationships, learning about themselves and others, and developing a richer and more sophisticated understanding of the world. This allows them to better understand written information and to better communicate their ideas to a particular audience. On April 16th from 5-7:30 we will hold our second annual Identity Night. Please come. Arrowhead has one of the strongest and most loving communities in the district, and it’s due in large part to the fact you all show up and participate. This year, after a gallery walk through our classrooms, we are setting up long tables and eating together. We will have some food and we encourage you to bring a tabletop picnic dinner – bring a little extra to set in the middle and share if you wish, particularly if it’s something that represents your family heritage and culture. Please make a simple (or fancy!) poster that shares your family identity and heritage. These will be displayed in the back of the gym so we can see into each other’s lives a little bit and continue to weave our community together. As some of you know, I was raised by an atheist and a Lutheran, but the Lutheran was my mom, so she won the family culture stance. In the staid and midwestern mellow culture of the Missouri Synod branch of the Lutheran church, we would say we’re going to “break bread together” at Identity Night, and that’s a very powerful way to build community. Because part of building community is sharing things with each other, I’ll share this powerful Lutheran rock song. Please, if you can get through to the end you will understand the stamina and self-control I had to exhibit as a young child who was dragged to church every Sunday. If you are screaming, “Pick up the tempo!” you are hearing my 9-year old thoughts. This video is almost a perfect capture of what I experienced as a child in the 1980’s Lutheran community, and will give you a little taste of my family culture. You can see why I thought “I lost my cookie at the disco” - which is truly a great song - was hard rock. If you’re lucky, the dish I’ll bring to share is three-bean salad. Then you will really get to experience what being a young Ms. Bailey was like. Identity. Community. Food. Family. Our beliefs and our experiences and our stories. Let’s share them and build our understanding of the world and each other. We are in a very small corner of a pretty small town, but we are mighty. See you on the 16th!
I want to write about community, knowledge, identity and reaching our potential as human beings. In seventh grade we were reading some short story where the character goes to Broadway to buy something. My teacher asked us what this told us about the setting, and I raised my hand and shared that he must live near a mall, because he went to The Broadway. The Broadway was a Southern California department store, like Macy’s. My classmates, who were a bit better traveled, looked at me like I was stupid. My teacher gently corrected me that in the story, set in the ‘20s, the author meant Broadway Street in New York. A similar thing happened in Sunday school when our teacher asked what was meant by “Surely Goodness and Mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” in the 23 Psalm. Since, at this point, the narrator is walking through the “valley of the shadow of death,” which is a really scary place, I naturally assumed Shirley, Goodness and Mercy were three tough lady bodyguards. I was gently corrected. Correction or no, my version of the 23rd Psalm is more comforting, and still my preferred interpretation. We learn from each other. We carry our family culture and our identity into and through the things we read, the lessons we learn, and the experiences we have. Mrs. Miller, who won a well-deservedKristin
Kristin Bailey
Attendance Policy
Attendance Policies - Did You Know?
- Arrowhead is required to send you a formal Attendance Letter if your child has 5 or more absences in a month—even if those absences are excused.
- We are required to send a formal letter for 1 UNexcused absence.
- If the number of absences continue and it may be having an impact, we will reach out and ask to meet.
- Lastly, if you know your child will be gone for more than 5 days in a row (e.g., for a trip) we ask that you fill out a Pre-Arranged Extended Absence Form and submit it to the Office at least 2 weeks prior to the absence.
We do value family experiences and we absolutely want you to keep an ill child home. So these policies may feel contradictory. However, the underlying purpose is good. It is good that we are giving you a heads-up reminder that absences are accumulating, because an absence—even for good reason may need remediation of some kind.
As we return from Winter break and return to school routines, it is a good time to remember the impact of attendance and tardiness on student growth and progress. Research shows that students do better and feel better when they start the day smoothly, with their class, unhurried and feeling confident they know what’s happening.
So, If you receive a letter, understand our purpose and intent, and if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.
Becky Fukuda
Dean of Students
Spirit Week March 11-15!
MONDAY 3/11 |
FRIDAY 3/15 |
Rainbow Day! Wear as many colors as you can! OR one color! |
Comfy Wear! Wear jammies or whatever is comfy! |
Fab Hair Day! Make your hair fancy or fun! |
Dress up as your teacher! Or other grown up! |
InsideOut, Backward, Mixed up! |
Identity Night Craft Night March 12 & Identity Night April 16
Please join us in the Arrowhead gym this coming Tuesday, March 12 from 4-6PM to work on your Identity Night family project! We are hoping to highlight any of the following:
- Where did you grow up?
- Where are your children growing up?
- What is important to your family?
- What do you believe?
- How do you spend time together?
- What communities do you belong to?
We will have poster boards, tri-fold, markers, crayons, scissors, etc! This will be a great time to work with your family to create something to display at Identity Night. Do you need ideas? We will also have coloring sheets, prompts, and templates to share what makes your family special. Our goal is to showcase as many family identities as we
If you are not able to attend craft night, feel free to make something at home and bring it to Ms. Poe in the main office by Monday April 15. We look forward to displaying your family project in the gym at Identity Night. If you have any questions please reach out toIdentity Night
Tuesday, April 16 5:30-7:00 pm. A lite dinner will be served at this event. Please join us!
At Arrowhead, we recognize that it is our differences and similarities that make us an amazing community. This evening will be a night to celebrate our identities and our stories.
We are looking for an “all-school” commitment and involvement in this event. We have such a special community here at Arrowhead and our team of parent and staff volunteers are here to help guide and support you in your participation.
Ways You Can Participate:
- Join our Craft Night on March 12 in the gym to work on your families artifact.
- Create a poster display to share your families story.
- Attend Identity Night on April 16 at Arrowhead.
- Volunteer to set up or clean up at either event.
World Down Syndrome Day March 21
What is the Lots Of Socks campaign?
The Lots Of Socks campaign exists to raise awareness about Down syndrome.
Believe it or not, socks help us to get people talking on World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), celebrated each year on 21 March.
All you need to do is choose some socks that are going to get noticed - they might be mismatched socks or your craziest and most colourful socks, whatever takes your fancy!
If someone asks you about your socks you can tell them, "I'm wearing them to raise awareness of Down syndrome".
Get yourself informed so you can tell them about Down syndrome.
Smart Watch and other Devices at School Policy
Students may wear “SmartWatches” to school. However, they may NOT use these watches to do any of the following during school hours:
- NO texting or calling
- NO video or audio recording
Students who do not follow these rules may have their watch/device held by the principal until a parent or guardian picks it up. This rule is consistent with Northshore’s policies as stated on the NSD website:
Students using cell phones and other electronic devices irresponsibly during the school day may have the electronic device confiscated and be subject to disciplinary action.
If the student is involved in an administration interview or investigation, to maintain integrity throughout the process, a student may be asked to provide their cell phone to an office staff member or the investigating administrator. It will be returned to the student or parent at the conclusion of the interview/investigation.
Reasonable efforts will be taken to secure property that has been confiscated (i.e. lock the item in a drawer, take the item to the office to be secured in a locked area, etc.); in order to prevent the loss, damage, or theft of any electronic device as a result of being confiscated.
Parent Pick Up Reminders
A road closure on Juanita Drive at dismissal caused one of our buses to return to school with students. We noticed that we need to better communicate our caregiver pick up process. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding. Please note the process below:
- Students will be in a secure location with staff
- Communication may come from Transportation, Central Office, or Arrowhead
- Caregivers picking up students need to come to the main office with their ID
Student safety is our top priority. Once we've verified a caregiver's ID, we will release students to your care. We appreciate your adherence to this process.
Hawk Family Fitness Nights
Hey Hawks! Come join PE Specialist Ms. Miller for out Family Fitness Workouts at 7:00pm!
- March 29 - Battle Pyramid (Math & Fitness) Gym
- April 26 - Pirates Gold (Strategy; ducking/fleeing) Gym
- May 31 - Mission Impossible Gym
Have fun together as we buld community, learn and practice fitness, sports skills, and sportsmanship!
Kindergarten Registration, Tours, and Open House
Kindergarten Registration has begun for the 2024-2025 school year. If you have any questions regarding enrollment at Arrowhead, please contact Secretary / Registrar Poe Joya,
Registration is now completed online. Please use this registration link to start the process.
Arrowhead Kindergarten Survey 2024-2025 Welcome! This survey will help us more accurately meet needs and plan ahead for program and services to support our Kindergarten learners. Our goal is to provide the best possible experience for your student.
Save the Date for one of our upcoming Kindergarten Tours and Open House!
- March 20, 7:45 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Kindergarten Tour
- April 25, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Kindergarten Tour
- May 28, 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Kindergarten Open House followed by PTA Art Night and Auction 5:30 p.m.
4th Grade Cameras Project - Mr. Wolfe's Class (Oatmeal tubes needed)
Hello Hawks!
We hope to make functional cameras in Mr Wolfe's class for a May or June art docent lession. To make the cameras we will need 30 to 40 42-ounce oatmeal tubes/canisters.
If you are willing to part with your empty 42-ounce (the size is important) oatmeal tube, you may drop it off in the front office where it will be picked up and later turned into a real camera! Thank you!
- Mr Wolfe's Art Docent Team
5th Grade Camp Cedar Springs
We are excited to offer Camp Cedar Spring Outdoor Education Program to all 5th grade students again this year. Your student will be joining students from Woodmoor Elementary at Camp May 8-10, 2024. More information can be found on the district website, Cedar Springs Camp. Please note important dates below.
- March 11 - Optional Camp t-shirt $20 or sweatshirt $30 due to school. Exact payments may be made at school or online using Touchbase online payments.
- March 20 - Camp Packets sent home with students.
- April 2 - Camp Parent Information Night at Woodmoor Elementary, 6:00pm Spanish Meeting followed by 6:30pm English Meeting.
- April 15 - Student paperwork and fees due.
- May 3 - All medications (if needed), Transportation Form, and Sack Lunch Order Form due to school.
- May 7 - All Camp luggage due to school by 9:30am.
We look forward to seeing you at Camp Parent Information Night on April 2!
Track and Field
All Students in grades 3-5 are invited to join Arrowhead’s Track Team! Our goal is to introduce students to Track and Field events while providing individual instruction to develop their skills. Teamwork, sportsmanship and leadership are always emphasized.
Look for information from Coach Ginny and Coach Barstow coming soon! Practices will begin in April and be during lunch recess with Meets in May every Tuesday after school. Volunteers needed at our home Meet TBA. GO HAWKS!Is this your bike?
Is this your bike? This bike has been at school since Mid-Winter Break. Please help us reunite it with its owner. Please call the main office, 425.408.4000 with details or email us a picture with your family and the bike.
Thank you for your help!
TerraCycle Recycling Brigade
Do you eat Entenmann's Little Bites snacks? If so, you can recycle the wrapper at Arrowhead and earn money for our school! Starting on Monday, October 30th there will be collection boxes in the center room for your class and one in the office. For more information about this program please visit We will keep you updated you on our progress! Video of Jason asking for your help to recycle Little Bites pouches.
Jason from Ms. Rad's Class
Counselor's Corner
Ms. Joan Gonda
School Counselor
From the Library
Ms. Ginny Allemann
April 2, 2024: Give Back Night at Third Place Books & MOD Pizza Lake Forest Park
Come to our Give Back Night in support of our library! Shop the entire store for your book and gift needs/wants, grab dinner at MOD Pizza nearby, do a craft with Ms. Ginny from 6 - 7 PM in the Commons area. A fun evening out and about in local businesses for a great cause!
Soda Float Challenge!
4th and 5th graders have taken on the challenge of reading 13 or more books from our 2024 list. Data-keeping sheets are due on April 19 (the Friday after spring break).
Our reading celebration will take place Wednesday, April 24 at lunch recess in the library. Volunteers needed to help with setup and clean up! Please contact me if you can help
Arrowhead Book Swap coming!
Do you have books and magazines suitable for K-5 students? Please donate your used books to our book swap! We are collecting from now until June, when we’ll be celebrating summer reading with a school-wide book swap! Bring them into the library or to the office and we’ll store them for the big event date TBD!
Arrowhead Library is open and ALIVE each morning at 8:35! Stop by and start the day with reading, legos, chatting about books, and of course, exploring the library! Library Website here!
Hope to see you soon @ the library!
From the Health Room
Nurse Anne Janssen
Registered Nurse
Hello Arrowhead families,
Illness & Covid Reminder:
This winter we are seeing many more viral and other illness at school & in the community, similar to pre-Covid years. Colds, flu, and Covid symptoms can all be similar. The Dept of Health still requires Covid testing for any Covid type symptom.
If your student has been ill, or you've had a positive Covid case in your home, you should test for Covid before sending your student to school. See the DOH protocols below.
- 2023-02/420456-COVID19DecisionTrees/Flowchart.pdf
Please keep these guidelines in mind when your student is participating in other community events and birthday parties etc. We appreciate your help in keep our community healthy!
Winter Weather:
Spring is here soon! but we still have some very wet &/or cold days, and many students need help making appropriate clothing & footwear choices. We have a limited supply of items to borrow in the health room. Please consider putting an extra pair of socks in your students' backpack, or a pair of sweats if your student insists on wearing shorts to school in the morning.
Clothing Resources
If you need clothing assistance for your students, please visit the following links for more information and shopping hours:
Threads & Treads: For all NSD families - Canyon Park Middle School - Wednesdays 3-6pm:
Clothes for Kids: For all NSD families and Snohomish County residents:
Mental Health & Crisis Support:
- You are not alone. There are community supports for mental health, suicide prevention, substance abuse, self-harm, and more. Click here for more information.
Technology Tidbits
Mrs. Amy Smith
School Technology Specialist
Spring is the time of year when our schools administer state required assessments. These assessments are used for state and federal accountability, to monitor student progress toward grade level standards, as well as an option for high school students to meet their Graduation Pathways requirement. The English/Language Arts (ELA) and Math Smarter Balanced Assessments are administered in grades 3 through 8 and 10, while the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS) is administered in grades 5, 8, and 11.
Arrowhead's testing schedule:
3rd grade Math and ELA: May 6th - May 10th
4th grade Math and ELA: May 13th - May 17th
5th grade Science: April 30th and May 2nd
5th grade ELA: May 15th - May 17th
5th grade Math - Barstow: May 28th and May 30th
5th grade Math - Borgers: May 30th - May 31st
For a calendar view, click on this link.
Make sure your student brings a fully charged Chromebook to school every day they are testing.
If you have any questions about your student’s spring assessments or schedules, please feel free to contact their teacher or the testing coordinator, Amy Smith,
Technology Tidbits
As we move toward spring and the end of the school year, Chromebook damage tends to increase. Please remind your kiddos to transport their device to and from school in its case. Even in a case and backpack, Chromebooks can be damaged when mishandled. If you or your kiddo notice any damage, please bring the device to Mrs. Smith in the office ASAP.
Notes from the Office
Ms. Poe Joya, Secretary/Registrar
425.408.4002 fax
Ms. Kelly Vedaa, Office Manager
23-24 Northshore District School Year Calendar 24-25 Northshore District School Year Calendar
5 | Spring Picture Day |
10 | Daylight Saving Time - Set clocks AHEAD 1 hour |
11 | 5th Grade Camp T-shirts/Sweatshirt Order Due (optional) |
11-15 | Spirit Week! See Spirit Week Days at the beginning of newsletter |
12 | Identity Night Craft Night, Gym - 4:00-6:00pm |
12 | PTA General Membership Meeting, Library - 6:45pm |
19 | 4th Grade Pirates Musical Performance, Gym - 7:00pm |
20 | Kindergarten Tour, 7:45am |
20 | 5th Grade Camp packets go home with students |
26 | PTA STEM Night, Gym - 5:30pm |
27 | Elementary Strings Concert, Northshore Middle School - 7:00pm |
29 | Hawk Family Fitness Night - Battle Pyramid (Math & Fitness), Gym - 7:00pm |
Important School Procedures
Arrival and Dismissal 2023-2024
8:45am Students may arrive on campus
8:57am Welcome Bell
9:00am School Begins *
3:30pm Dismissal
2:00pm Wednesday Early Release
12:10pm Conference Day Early Release
11:00am Last Day of School Dismissal
* Students arriving after 9:05 a.m. must check in at the office and get a pass before going to class.
Late Arrival / Excused Absence
If your child will arrive late or be absent from school:
Please call our 24-hour Attendance line 425.408.4010 or email and your student’s teacher by 9:00 a.m.
Prearranged / Extended Absence
In the event that your child will miss more than 5 school days in a row for a reason other than a health or medical issue, please complete and return a printed copy of the Pre-Arranged Extended Absence Form to the office or email a copy of the completed form to
Change in After School Plans
If your child is going to change from their normal method of getting home or has some other alternate plan, please complete and return a printed copy of the Change in After School Plan Form or send a note with your student.
Lost and Found - Please clearly label all of your child's belongings so they can be returned to them when lost. Please check for your student’s items when on campus. Our Lost and Found Rack is located outside the Library.
We love our volunteers! All volunteers in the Northshore school district are required to complete an online volunteer application before being able to volunteer in classrooms or on field trips. Volunteers must renew their application annually and will receive an email alert one month before their application expires. All field trip Chaperones must be Level 2 status to go on a field trip.
If you completed a Level 2 background check in the past, (required for field trip chaperones) you will only need to complete a Level 1 update to renew your volunteer status.
Please reach out to the office if you are unsure of your volunteer status, 425.408.4000.
ParentSquare and StudentSquare Communications Tool
What are ParentSquare and StudentSquare?
ParentSquare (for families) and StudentSquare (for middle and high school students) is an easy-to-use communication tool that combines multiple communication streams into one interface for families, staff, and students.
Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare and StudentSquare this year.
- Receive information from the school via email, text, phone call, or mobile app notification
- Two-way messaging with translation between staff and families/students
- Choose to receive information as it comes, or all at once at 6 p.m. daily
- Communicate in your preferred language
How do I activate my ParentSquare account?
There are three different ways to activate or register your ParentSquare account so you can log in to the website. View our reference guide for details on each method or download the Getting Started - English or Getting Started - Spanish PDF guides for tips.
Update Emergency Numbers and Contacts
Parents are able to update their information and emergency contact information through ParentVUE . We ask that you have the most up to date information in our system in case we need to get a hold of you in an emergency.
If you need help logging into ParentVue, please contact the Office at 425.408.4000.
From the PTA
Arrowhead Elementary Parent Teacher Associations mission is to positively impact the lives of all children and families within the Arrowhead community. We strive to support and advocate for our children by partnering with staff, families and the wider community to create a safe, inclusive and healthy learning environment allowing our students to excel personally, academically and socially
March-April PTA Events
- March 8: Popcorn Friday
- March 12: Identity Night Craft Event (Arrowhead Gym, 4:00-6:00 pm)
- March 12: General PTA Membership Meeting (Arrowhead Library, 6:45 pm), guest speaker Amy Lowe, School Psychologist Intern
- March 14: Reflections Reception (Brightwater Center, Woodinville, 4:30-7:30 pm)
- March 24: Beverages with the Board (Stoup, Kenmore, 7:00-8:00 pm)
- March 26: STEM Night (Arrowhead Gym, 5:30 pm)
- April 2: Give Back Night at Third Place Books
- April 2: MOD Pizza Fundraiser (Lake Forest Park)
- April 5: Popcorn Friday
- April 16: Identity Night (Arrowhead Gym, 5:30-7:00 pm)
Identity Night Craft Night
In preparation for this year’s Identity Night, the PTA is hosting a craft night for your family to build their identity project. This event will be hosted in the Arrowhead Gym on March 12, 4:00-6:00 pm and offer information and materials to build your family story to share with the community. For questions, please contact
Emotional Regulation with Amy Lowe
Join the next PTA Meeting on March 12, 6:45 pm in the Arrowhead Library for a special presentation led by Amy Lowe, School Psychologist intern, alongside Joan Gonda, School Counselor, and Becky Fukuda, Dean of Students. Learn what Emotion Regulation entails and discover practical ways to support your student during moments of dysregulation. Explore how we foster social-emotional learning at Arrowhead and gain some useful tools and strategies you can implement at home. Note: you do not have to be a PTA member to join.
Reflections Art Reception
The Northshore Council PTSA is hosting an in-person reception to showcase all the K–12th grade participants in this year’s Reflections Art Contest, “I am hopeful because…” We hope this reception can continue to broaden our impact on education, the arts, and family engagement.
Brightwater Environmental Education and Community Center
22505 WA-9
Woodinville, WA
March 14, 2024
Consider visiting during the time blocks to help event flow:
- 4:30-5:30 pm – Quiet Session
- 5:30-6:00 pm – Last name A–K
- 6:00-7:00 pm – Last name L–T
- 7:00-7:30 pm – Last name U–Z
Northshore PTSA Council will provide coffee, tea, and cookies for everyone's enjoyment. More information can be found here.
Officer Elections and Beverages with the Board
Arrowhead PTA Officer Elections are just around the corner and the Nominating Committee has a fun event planned!
Are you curious about what it’s like to serve as an elected officer on the PTA Executive Board? Come grab your beverage of choice and get the scoop from both past and present board members at this casual, no-host event on Sunday, March 24 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Stoup in Kenmore. All are welcome - even if board service may be a few years down the road for you. Come join the fun!
Want more information about the duties of elected officers? See the Executive Team descriptions at this link. Know someone who would be perfect for one of these positions? Recommend them here. Self-recommendations are welcome and encouraged!
Questions? Email
SAVE THE DATE! March 26, 2024, at 5:30 pm, Arrowhead gym
Join us for a special family-friendly evening celebrating STEM. Enjoy hands-on science experiments and engineering challenges. Sandwiches and water will be available.
We are looking for additional STEM organizations to participate. Alternatively, if you are a parent and have a passion for STEM and want to share a STEM concept with the Arrowhead community, we would love for you to join us. To volunteer, please signup using this link.
Contact for questions.
Join the PTA!
Arrowhead Elementary is truly a community-supported school. We work together to provide important resources and events for classrooms and families. Some of these include classroom funds for needed supplies, enrichment programs like art and clay docent, various events throughout the year, staff appreciation, and more! A goal of the PTA is to have every family and classroom of Arrowhead represented. Please join the PTA or renew your membership! There is a lot of information about the benefits of doing so here on our website.
Already a member? Consider providing a scholarship to a staff member.
Thank you Volunteers!
Spring Picture Day Volunteers
A huge shout out to Rachel B., Katie M., and Sarah S. for making our Spring Picture Day run smoothly and stay on schedule.
Chess Club with Mr. K.
We are delighted to have Zach K., share his time, equipment, and passion for Chess with our students every Thursday during lunch recess!
Art Club Volunteers
Thanks to Rachel B. and Sarah S., we're able to offer Recess Art Club every Friday!
Art & Clay Docents
We are thrilled to have Art Docents in our classrooms teaching our students the principles of art and encouraging their creativity with wonderful projects!
Field Trip Volunteers
Field trips would not be possible without the time and patience of our wonderful field trip chaperones.
WE are blessed to have PTA and this community for our partners! Recent SEC Grants were approved to provide students with school planners in 4th and 5th grade, school wide student folders, school wide supplemental materials covering ELA, Math, Engineering, Technology, health, arts, field trips, 5th grade Playwriting Residency with Studio East, and our new totem pole carved by Eagleson Williams!
Library Volunteers
Our amazing Library volunteers keep our Library in top shape, checking books in and out, helping find that just right book and assisting Ms. Ginny with special projects.
We are so grateful to PTA and this amazing community for their support!
Champions Before and After School Care
Now Enrolling for 2024 Summer Champ Camp!
Find more information below or reach out to Bree, Arrowhead Champions Site Director We hope to see you there! Bree Jenkins Arrowhead Champions Site Director
District News
Need Mental Health Support?
You are not alone. There are community supports for mental health, suicide prevention, substance abuse, self harm, and more.Learn More
Closures and Delays
If no schedule changes are posted, schools and buses are operating on normal schedules.Northshore School District Closures and Delays
Emergencies such as inclement weather, power outages and hazardous road conditions can alter school schedules and affect bus transportation. The decision to close or delay schools is made by the superintendent as early as possible, usually around 5:30 a.m. Early dismissals will occur only if a delay in dismissal significantly increases hazards.Arrowhead Hawks SOAR by being Safe, Kind, and Responsible
At Arrowhead, we create resilient and empathetic learners who confidently navigate their world through being innovative, creative, critical thinkers.
Arrowhead Elementary
6725 NE Arrowhead Drive
Kenmore, WA 98028
425.408.4002 fax Website:
Northshore School District is enriched by the many experiences and perspectives each individual member brings to our District and community. Therefore, our District prohibits discrimination based on age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, cognitive, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.