Hawk Herald February 2024

Hawk Herald February 2024

February 2024

Principal's Passage

Arrowhead Community,

It’s February, so this is a love letter.

I love our school board. They visited Arrowhead and met with students for conversations. We did not have our Hawks practice. Instead, we invited fierce, honest children to the library and trusted their raw, authentic selves to roll “conversation cubes” with district leaders and school board directors. At my table, in answer to the question, “What do you love about school?” our 5th grader answered, “Nothing!” Unfazed, Director Jackie McGourty followed up with, “Well, what’s your favorite part of the school day?” “Going home!” our Hawk responded. Jackie and Emily, from the Northshore Schools Foundation, remained undaunted by the power of an unfiltered 10-year old girl. Eventually, our table was laughing and talking about food and travel and how, “McDonald’s Sprite just hits different.” I love our school board for loving children, seeing their brilliance, and supporting our schools with their hearts and minds.   I love our families. We are lucky not only to have a large corps of volunteers, but volunteers who are willing to dive into all the things that make school fun for children. Whether it’s checking books out, popping popcorn, helping kids grow with behavior coaching before and after school on our playground, teaching art and clay lessons, supporting the PTA, sharing their family history or even putting on a goofy helmet and pretending to be a programmable robot during Hour of Code (thank you Rosemary!), our parents and family members make our school the joyful, exciting place it is. I love our Arrowhead families for showing up, leaning in and sharing themselves with us.

Parent selling tickets to a play, giving an art docent lesson and helping in the library.

I love our staff. These exceptional, talented educators don’t give up, take care of each other and our community, and are tireless when it comes to figuring out how to help each child feel loved, powerful and important. This month we are celebrating Lunar New Year (Feb 10!)Black History Month and Black Lives Matter at School week. Whether it’s teaching children to make Lunar New Year ornaments, studying great social justice heroes, or reading a book about a bunny who feels ferocious like a bear and a bear who feels gentle like a bunny to introduce children to the idea of identity and appearance, our staff make space for human conversations that help children feel more comfortable in their own skin and proud of their families and heritage. Arrowhead staff show up with their full humanity every day, and make sure our children are free to celebrate their whole self in this challenging and special place. I love our staff for doing courageous work for kids.

Chinese New Year decorations, recess teacher playing chess, and Kindergarten teacher in action

I love our students. They are funny and kind, curious and courageous. They challenge us to be our best selves and leave us better people for knowing them. Our students model vulnerability and resilience. They are willing to tackle really difficult things like sharing, being patient, asking for help and risking failure. I love our students for being loving, complicated, brave and original.

Students setting up the Gaga ball pit, speaking at an assembly and playing at recess climbing a pole
Group of kids taking a break during PE class in the gym


2024 is off to a great start. This Saturday the 10th, the Year of the Wood Dragon begins. This is going to be a wonderful year!

Principal Kristin Bailey kbailey@nsd.org

Around the School

Attendance Policy

Attendance Policies - Did You Know?

  • Arrowhead is required to send you a formal Attendance Letter if your child has 5 or more absences in a month—even if those absences are excused.  
  • We are required to send a formal letter for 1 UNexcused absence.  
  • If the number of absences continue and it may be having an impact, we will reach out and ask to meet. 
  • Lastly, if you know your child will be gone for more than 5 days in a row (e.g., for a trip) we ask that you fill out a Pre-Arranged Extended Absence Form and submit it to the Office at least 2 weeks prior to the absence.

We do value family experiences and we absolutely want you to keep an ill child home. So these policies may feel contradictory. However, the underlying purpose is good. It is good that we are giving you a heads-up reminder that absences are accumulating, because an absence—even for good reason may need remediation of some kind. 

As we return from Winter break and return to school routines, it is a good time to remember the impact of attendance and tardiness on student growth and progress. Research shows that students do better and feel better when they start the day smoothly, with their class, unhurried and feeling confident they know what’s happening. 

So, If you receive a letter, understand our purpose and intent, and if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us. 

Becky Fukuda
Dean of Students

PTA Reflections Qualifiers and District Celebration

Please join us in congratulating our State Qualifier Mina S. in Mrs. Wilson's class. Only state qualifiers move forward to WA State Reflections. All of our participants displayed tremendous creativity and passion in their artwork! 

Collage of 6 students who participated in the Reflections Art Contest

The Northshore Council PTSA will be hosting an in-person reception for all artists in our council who have moved on to the next level. The reception will be on March 14, 2024. Location and time will be announced soon.

Pace 2024-2025 Application Deadline February 8

Logo for PACE at Woodmoor program

PACE (Parents Active in Cooperative Education), a choice educational enrichment program offered through the Northshore School District, is currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. All applications are due prior to the February 8th PACE lottery drawing deadline, and a site tour is required prior to application.

The hallmarks of PACE include an enhanced educational experience due to high parent involvement, enrichment activities, encouragement for students to become self-motivated learners and a strong sense of community among families. Families commit to a minimum number of volunteer hours per year of program support. PACE is located at three elementary school sites in the district with feeder patterns from all Northshore elementary schools. 

A tour is required prior to applying to the PACE program. To register for a site tour hosted by PACE at Woodmoor Elementary, please email enrollment@paceatwoodmoor.org 

For more information about the PACE program, please visit http://www.nsd.org/PACE.

PTA Identity Night and Upcoming Craft Events

Save the Date: April 16th is Identity Night

Poster that Says We Are with a heart.  Heart is filled with name tags with identity on them.

Join us on April 16th from 5:30-7:00pm for this year's Identity Night (formerly known as Multicultural Night)!

Here at Arrowhead, we recognize that it is our differences and similarities that make us an amazing community. This special evening will be a night to celebrate out identities and out stories.

Please look for future communications detailing ideas for family engagement at our upcoming Identity Night Craft Event on March 12 from 4:00-6:00pm in the gym. 

We are looking for huge community involvement in this year and cannot wait to see your contributions.

Parent Pick Up Reminders

A road closure on Juanita Drive at dismissal caused one of our buses to return to school with students. We noticed that we need to better communicate our caregiver pick up process. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding. Please note the process below:

  • Students will be in a secure location with staff
  • Communication may come from Transportation, Central Office, or Arrowhead
  • Caregivers picking up students need to come to the main office with their ID 

Student safety is our top priority. Once we've verified a caregiver's ID, we will release students to your care. We appreciate your adherence to this process.

Hawk Family Fitness Nights

Hey Hawks! Come join PE Specialist Ms. Miller for our Family Fitness Workouts at 7:00pm!

  • March 1 - Hunger Games (Nutrition education) Gym
  • March 29 - Battle Pyramid (Math & Fitness) Gym
  • April 26 - Pirates Gold (Strategy; ducking/fleeing) Gym
  • May 31 - Mission Impossible - Gym

Have fun together as we build community, learn and practice fitness, sports skills, and sportsmanship!

Kindergarten Registration, Tours, and Open House

Kindergarten Registration has begun for the 2024-2025 school year. If you have any questions regarding enrollment at Arrowhead, please contact Secretary / Registrar Poe Joya, pjoya@nsd.org

Registration is now completed online. Please use this registration link to start the process. 

Arrowhead Kindergarten Survey 2024-2025  Welcome! This survey will help us more accurately meet needs and plan ahead for program and services to support our Kindergarten learners. Our goal is to provide the best possible experience for your student.

Save the Date for one of our upcoming Kindergarten Tours and Open House!

  • March 20, 7:45 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Kindergarten Tour
  • April 25, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Kindergarten Tour
  • May 28, 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Kindergarten Open House followed by PTA Art Night and Auction 5:30 p.m.

Yearbook Sale through Feb. 29

Yearbooks are available to order through February 29 for $18.00That means you must get your yearbook ordered before February 29 to receive one at the end of the school year. Payment can be made at school by exact cash, checks payable to NSD, or online at Intouch online payments. 

TerraCycle Recycling Brigade

Recycle with Terracycle

Pictures of Little Bites packaging

Do you eat Entenmann's Little Bites snacks? If so, you can recycle the wrapper at Arrowhead and earn money for our school! Starting on Monday, October 30th there will be collection boxes in the center room for your class and one in the office. For more information about this program please visit https://www.terracycle.com/en-US/brigades/littlebites. We will keep you updated you on our progress!  Video of Jason asking for your help to recycle Little Bites pouches.


Jason from Ms. Rad's Class

Counselor's Corner

Ms. Joan Gonda
School Counselor

Library Learnings

Ms. Ginny Allemann

Black History Month, Groundhog Day, Lunar New Year, Valentines Day, Presidents Day! We have the books!

Black Lives Matter at School and Black History Month are celebrated in February. Be sure to check in Destiny Discover for ideas and suggestions for reading during this important time.

The Youth Media Awards of the American Library Association for Service to Children have been announced! Click here for information about the new award winners, including Newbery, Caldecott, Coretta Scott King and Pura Belpré!

Arrowhead Book Swap coming! 

Do you have books and magazines suitable for K-5 students? Please donate your used books to our book swap! We are collecting from now until June, when we’ll be celebrating summer reading with a school-wide book swap! Bring them into the library or to the office and we’ll store them for the big event date TBD! 

Arrowhead Library is open and ALIVE each morning at 8:35! Stop by and start the day with reading, legos, chatting about books, and of course, exploring the library! Library Website here! 

Hope to see you soon @ the library!

-Ms. Ginny Allemann

Health Room Happenings

Nurse Anne Janssen
Registered Nurse

Hello Arrowhead Families, 

Illness reminder:

To reduce the spread of illness at school, if your student is feeling ill, please continue to keep them at home. We continue to see a steady state of winter illnesses of flu, upper respiratory colds, and COVID cases in our community. Frequent hand washing is always encouraged to prevent illness as well. 

  • Recommend return to school after illness when 24 hours has passed of being fever free, no vomiting. diarrhea, and general symptoms have improved. See the district link for more detailed information on when to keep a student home: https://www.nsd.org/schools/get-started/health-services/when-should-my-child-stay-home
  • Recommend COVID testing for any COVID like symptoms before returning to school and following COVID guidelines if testing positive for COVID. For further current COVID information:

What to Do If You Are COVID 19 Positive:

  1. What to Do if Exposed to COVID 19?
  2. 2023-02/420456-COVID19DecisionTrees/Flowchart.pdf  

Covid vs Flu vs Common Cold vs RSV: What you need to know 

Virus Level of Infectivity Time From Exposure to Infection Symptoms Prevalence in Children Vaccine Availability

Common Cold


Less contagious 

Symptomatic individuals shed the virus during the first 2 to 3 days of infection

2 to 3 days

Low-Grade Fever
Sore Throat
Stuffy Nose


Most children experience 2 to 4 colds per year; frequently associated with asthma exacerbations.


Seasonal Influenza

Influenza virus (A and B)


Viral shedding occurs 24 hours before symptoms appear, peaking around day 3 of illness.

1 to 4 days Body Aches
Sore Throat
Stuff Nose


Children younger than 2 are at highest risk for more severe disease

Multiple Approved


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)

More Contagious

Viral shedding occurs 2 to 3 days before symptoms appear, peaking around day 3 of illness. However, there can be viral shedding without ever developing symptoms

2 to 14 days Body Aches
Loss of smell/taste
Shortness of Breath
Stuffy/runny nose

Becoming more common, and asymptomatic children are possible

Typically children have mild symptoms, and rarely they develop multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) weeks after a SARS-CoV-2 infection

Two- and three-dose vaccine approved for ages 6 months - 4 years

Two-dose vaccine and booster approved for 5 and older

Multiple vaccines and boosters approved for adults


Respiratory syncytial virus

Very Contagious

Symptoms can last 7 to 10 days but some kids can develop a cough that takes up to six weeks to clear

4 to 6 days

Runny nose


Infants are at high risk for sever disease, including pneumonia or bronchiolitis, an inflammation of the small airways in the lungs.


February mid-winter break reminder:

  • Before returning from mid-winter break, please be sure your student is well rested and does not have ill symptoms. 
  • Many students who travel and arrive home late the night before school, are not ready for school first thing in the morning. It is always ok to arrive later in the day. Please call the attendance line if your student is arriving late or is absent the day we return.

Boy Pants Needed for the Health Room:


  • If your student is growing out of their clothes, we could use a donation of gently used boys pants in sizes 8/10 up to 14/16. Athletic type pants or sweats with elastic waists are best as they fit most. 

Clothing Resources:

  • If you need clothing assistance for your students, please visit the following links for more information and shopping hours:

Threads & Treads:

For all NSD families - Canyon Park Middle School - Wednesdays 3-6pm: https://cpptsa.org/programs-activities/threads-treads/

Clothes for Kids:

For all NSD families and Snohomish County residents:  https://clothesforkids.org/

Mental Health & Crisis Support:

  • You are not alone. There are community supports for mental health, suicide prevention, substance abuse, self-harm, and more. Click here for more information. 

Technology Tidbits

Mrs. Amy Smith
School Technology Specialist

Chromebook Reminders for Students

  • Charge your device - Get in the habit of charging your Chromebook every school night. Classrooms are not equipped with charging ports for all students whose Chromebooks need charging.  It is your responsibility to come to school with a fully charged device every day.
  • Cleaning - Please do not use any cleaning solutions on the Chromebook. Most cleaning solutions are liquid and corrosive and can damage the device. Gently wipe with a soft microfiber cloth only.
  • Restart your device - It is important to restart the Chromebook at least once a week. This will keep it running better and update it. To restart your Chromebook, go to the “Clock Bubble” at the bottom right part of the screen. Click it then choose restart. 
  • Stickers - Do not put any stickers, tape or labels anywhere on your Chromebook. Over time these things adhere to the Chromebook and removing them is very difficult. Please remember students, you are borrowing this device, you do not own it.

Chromebook Reminder for Parents/Guardians

  • DPP - Device Protection Program.  The DPP program covers the device (Chromebook, Macbook, or iPad) loaned to your student against accidental damage for the school year. This program does NOT cover damage resulting from misuse or loss of the device.  The standard payment to enroll in the NSD Student Device Protection Plan is $25 per year; free for students who have qualified for free or reduced-price meals and who have provided consent to share their status for fee waivers.
  • For more information about this program please visit the Student Technology Use page of the Northshore School District website.
  • To enroll in DPP, please go to the InTouch website.  If you do not have your login information for InTouch, please contact Ms. Poe Joya in the office at 425.408.4003 or via email at pjoya@nsd.org.

Notes from the Office

Ms. Poe Joya, Secretary/Registrar
425.408.4002 fax

Ms. Kelly Vedaa, Office Manager

23-24 Northshore District School Year Calendar 24-25 Northshore District School Year Calendar


1-29 Yearbook Sale Ends
5-9 BLM Week of Action
5 1st Semester Report Cards available via ParentVue
6 3rd Grade Music Concert, Gym - 7:00pm - POSTPONED
9 Early Release Conference Day - 12:10pm (lunch eaten at school)
13 PTA General Membership Meeting, Library - 6:45pm
16 PTA Popcorn Friday
19 President's Day - NO SCHOOL
20-23 Mid-Winter Break - No School
27 3rd Grade Music Concert, Gym - 7:00pm - RESCHEDULED DATE
27 Identity Night Craft Event, Gym - 4:00-6:00pm CANCELLED
29 LAST DAY to purchase a Yearbook

Arrival and Dismissal 2023-2024

8:45am Students may arrive on campus

8:57am Welcome Bell

9:00am School Begins *   

3:30pm Dismissal

2:00pm Wednesday Early Release

12:10pm Conference Day Early Release

11:00am Last Day of School Dismissal

* Students arriving after 9:05 a.m. must check in at the office and get a pass before going to class.


Late Arrival / Excused Absence

If your child will arrive late or be absent from school: 

Please call our 24-hour Attendance line 425.408.4010 or email ahattendance@nsd.org and your student’s teacher by 9:00am.

Prearranged/Extended Absence

In the event that your child will miss more than 5 school days in a row for a reason other than a health or medical issue, please complete and return a printed copy of the Pre-Arranged Extended Absence Form to the office or email a copy of the completed form to ahattendance@nsd.org.

Change in After School Plans

If your child is going to change from their normal method of getting home or has some other alternate plan,  please complete and return a printed copy of the  Change in After School Plan Form  or send a note with your student.   

Lost and Found

Please clearly label all of your child's belongings so they can be returned to them when lost. Please check for your student’s items when on campus. Our Lost and Found Rack is located outside the Library. 


We love our volunteers!  All volunteers in the Northshore school district are required to complete an online  volunteer application  before being able to volunteer in classrooms or on field trips. Volunteers must renew their application annually and will receive an email alert one month before their application expires. All field trip Chaperones must be Level 2 status to go on a field trip.

If you completed a Level 2 background check in the past, (required for field trip chaperones) you will only need to complete a Level 1 update to renew your volunteer status.  

Please reach out to the office if you are unsure of your volunteer status, 425.408.4000.  

ParentSquare and StudentSquare Communications Tool

What are ParentSquare and StudentSquare?

ParentSquare (for families) and StudentSquare (for middle and high school students) is an easy-to-use communication tool that combines multiple communication streams into one interface for families, staff, and students.

Here's what you can do with ParentSquare and StudentSquare this year:

  • Receive information from the school via email, text, phone call, or mobile app notification
  •  Two-way messaging with translation between staff and families/students
  •  Choose to receive information as it comes, or all at once at 6 p.m. daily
  •  Communicate in your preferred language

How do I activate my ParentSquare account?

There are three different ways to activate or register your ParentSquare account so you can log in to the website. View our reference guide for details on each method or download the Getting Started - English or Getting Started - Spanish PDF guides for tips. 

Update Emergency Numbers and Contacts

Parents are able to update their information and emergency contact information through  ParentVUE . We ask that you have the most up to date information in our system in case we need to get a hold of you in an emergency. 

If you need help logging into ParentVue, please contact the Office at 425.408.4000.

PTA Piece


Arrowhead PTA logo with blue hawk in front of yellow circle.  In blue writing Arrowhead Elementary PTA below hawk.

Arrowhead PTA Arrowhead Elementary Parent Teacher Associations mission is to positively impact the lives of all children and families within the Arrowhead community.  We strive to support and advocate for our children by partnering with staff, families and the wider community to create a safe, inclusive and healthy learning environment allowing our students to excel personally, academically and socially.

February - March PTA Events

  • February 13: General PTA Membership Meeting (Arrowhead Library, 6:45 pm)
  • February 16: Popcorn Friday
  • February 27: Identity Night Craft Event (Arrowhead Gym, 4:00-6:00 pm)
  • March 8: Popcorn Friday
  • March 12: General PTA Membership Meeting (Arrowhead Library, 6:45 pm)
  • March 14: Reflections Reception (location/time TBD)
  • March 26: STEM Night (Arrowhead Gym, 5:30 pm)


National PTA STEM logo with beaker, protractor and calculator

SAVE THE DATE! March 26, 2024, at 5:30 pm, Arrowhead gym 

Join us for a special family-friendly evening celebrating STEM. Enjoy hands-on science experiments and engineering challenges. Sandwiches and water will be available.  

We are looking for additional STEM organizations to participate. Alternatively, if you are a parent and have a passion for STEM  and want to share a STEM concept with the Arrowhead community, we would love for you to join us. To volunteer, please signup using this link.

Contact stemfair@ptaarrowhead.org for questions.

Reflections Reception

Thank you to all the students who submitted artwork for the Reflections Art Contest! The theme this year is “I am hopeful because…”

Congratulations and best of luck to our State Qualifier Mina S. in Mrs Wilson’s class! We are so proud of all of our artists who participated this year.

  • Maia B., 2nd grade
  • Oliver B., 4th grade
  • Lia B., 1st grade
  • Brooks F., 1st grade
  • Mina S., Kindergarten, Special artist division
  • Vesper T., 2nd grade
  • Elizabeth T., 2nd grade

The Northshore Council PTSA will be hosting an in-person reception for all artists in our council who have moved on to the next level. The reception will be on March 14, 2024. Location and time will be announced soon. 

To learn more about Reflections, visit this webpage.

February General Meeting

Join us for our Membership meeting on Tuesday, February 13 at 6:45 pm in the Arrowhead Library. We will be discussing STEM night, Identity Night, Spring Fundraiser – Hawk Walk, Staff Appreciation, and more. See you next week!

Join the PTA!

Logo for the PTA Membership Scholarship Fund.

Arrowhead Elementary is truly a community-supported school. We work together to provide important resources and events for classrooms and families. Some of these include classroom funds for needed supplies, enrichment programs like art and clay docent, various events throughout the year, staff appreciation, and more! A goal of the PTA is to have every family and classroom of Arrowhead represented. Please join the PTA or renew your membership! There is a lot of information about the benefits of doing so here on our website.

Already a member? Consider providing a scholarship to a staff member. 

Thank you Volunteers!

Written on chalkboard - No act of kindness no matter how small, is ever wasted. Aesop

Art Club Volunteers

Thanks to Rachel B. and Sarah S., we're able to offer Recess Art Club every Friday!

Art & Clay Docents

We are thrilled to have Art Docents in our classrooms teaching our students the principles of art and encouraging their creativity with wonderful projects!

Field Trip Volunteers

Field trips would not be possible without the time and patience of our wonderful field trip chaperones.


WE are blessed to have PTA and this community for our partners! Recent SEC Grants were approved to provide students with school planners in 4th and 5th grade, school wide student folders, school wide supplemental materials covering ELA, Math, Engineering, Technology, health, arts, field trips, 5th grade Playwriting Residency with Studio East, and our new totem pole carved by Eagleson Williams!

Library Volunteers

Our amazing Library volunteers keep our Library in top shape, checking books in and out, helping find that just right book and assisting Ms. Ginny with special projects.

We are so grateful to PTA and this amazing community for their support!

Champions Before and After School Care

Champions logo

Come spend your Mid-Winter Break at Champions! Boredom busters alert! Mid-winter break is around the corner, and we're thrilled to announce our epic care program at Lockwood Elementary and Canyon Creek Elementary! Just a heads up, Arrowhead students will be hanging out at Lockwood for this one. Find more information below or reach out to Bree, Arrowhead Champions Site Director ch001095@discoverchampions.com Champions Mid-Winter Break Camp Now Enrolling for 2024 Summer Champ Camp! We hope to see you there! Bree Jenkins Arrowhead Champions Site Director

District News


Need Mental Health Support? 

You are not alone. There are community supports for mental health, suicide prevention, substance abuse, self harm, and more. Learn More

Closures and Delays

If no schedule changes are posted, schools and buses are operating on normal schedules. Emergencies such as inclement weather, power outages and hazardous road conditions can alter school schedules and affect bus transportation. The decision to close or delay schools is made by the superintendent as early as possible, usually around 5:30 a.m. Early dismissals will occur only if a delay in dismissal significantly increases hazards. Northshore School District Closures and Delays

Arrowhead Hawks SOAR by being Safe, Kind, and Responsible

At Arrowhead, we create resilient and empathetic learners who confidently navigate their world through being innovative, creative, critical thinkers.

Arrowhead Elementary
425.408.4002 fax

6725 NE Arrowhead Dr
Kenmore, WA 98029

website: arrowhead.nsd.org

Cup art installed on a fence that reads You Belong Here and an eagle head (mascot)



Northshore School District is enriched by the many experiences and perspectives each individual member brings to our District and community. Therefore, our District prohibits discrimination based on age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, cognitive, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.