Hawk Herald December 2024

Hawk Herald December 2024

From Principal Bailey

Arrowhead Families,


This is such a busy time of year. Our little school is bustling with class projects, events, and field trips.  

Our library book fair is going on – the fair is open in the library mornings Tuesday - Friday and after school until 7pm on Tuesday and Wednesday and after school until 4pm on Thursday and Friday. 


Broad view of AH library set up for book fair

This fundraiser goes directly to our library so Ms. Ginny can buy books our Hawks want to read!  

We are also in the middle of our PTA winter food drive and membership drive! Grade bands are engaged in a sweet, spirited race to collect the most food for Food Lifeline, and the winning grade will get a donut party! PTA membership really matters. Your membership fee goes directly to the PTA fund and supports students, and our PTA is a crucial life-force of our school. Please join the PTA today to strengthen our community and, if we hit our goal of 200 memberships (I think we are at 170!) students will get a DANCE the Friday before winter break.

Thank you to those of you who came to Game Night and thank you to Heather Buchanan and Aleksandra Zydor, who organized the event and the middle school students who made it such a success. I had so much fun and cannot wait for more evening events to be with our community.

Families sitting around tables playing board games in the Arrowhead gym.

Finally, we are witnessing something quite remarkable, which is the situation in Syria. We forget, sometimes, that we are witnesses to major moments in the history of humanity.

When we learn about historic events, we already have the outcome, but real-time social and political change is evolving, messy, and uncertain. For those of you whose children are in 4th and 5th grade, and those of you who have older children, I really encourage you to find a way to observe this moment and bear witness as a family to the end of a regime and a birth of a new Syria. Where is Syria? What’s been happening there? What was the ten-year civil war about? Who was Bashar Assad and what did he do? What might happen next? Who are the different groups involved in deciding Syria’s future? How do Syrians feel about this event?

History is being made right in front of us, and it is a valuable opportunity to see it unfold.

Love, Joy and Peace to you and your loved ones. The upcoming weeks are some of our darkest here in the Pacific Northwest, but we are a community who has a gift for finding the light.

I will leave you with the picture above of one of our talented Conflict Managers and her group of littles. Our Conflict Managers are an incredible group of loving student leaders who come to primary recess and ensure each child is safe, seen and having fun.

Group of kids around a bench with an older student


From the Office

Arrowhead Calendar and Website

Closures and Delays

Emergencies such as inclement weather, power outages and hazardous road conditions can alter school schedules and affect bus transportation. The decision to close or delay schools is made by the superintendent as early as possible, usually around 5:30a.m. Early dismissals will occur only if a delay in dismissal significantly increases hazards.

Closures & Delays

Order Your Yearbook

Yearbook Sale through Feb. 26, 2025

24-25 Yearbooks are available to purchase until Feb. 26 for $20. Send your exact cash or check payable to Arrowhead or purchase online via Touchbase. Please reach out to the office staff if you need login assistance.

This is your only chance to to order a 24-25 yearbook this year. Please order yours today!

Yearbook Cover Contest Winners!

Thank you for all of the amazing yearbook cover submissions by our 2024-2025 5th grade class. We appreciated all 15 spectacular submissions. After much deliberation, our winners are Mallory Skogsbergh (Mr. Wolfe) and Henry Harris (Mr. Schroeder/ Mrs. Sperka). 

Mallory and Henry holding their winning pictures for the yearbook covers.

Congratulations to Mallory and Henry, your art will be featured as the cover photos for our Arrowhead yearbook. We are so proud or you! 

NSD Preschool Programs

Space still available in NSD Preschool Programs 24-25 School Year

Northshore preschool programs are still enrolling children, ages 3-5. The preschool years are among the most critical in a child's life that influence learning. The Northshore School District is committed to providing the support that our youngest learners need to prepare them to succeed in school, cultivate friendships, and create a sense of community and belonging. The district proudly offers a variety of inclusive general education learning environments. 

Available preschool programs include both FREE and tuition-based options.

FREE Programs: Head Start and Ready Start

Eligibility is determined by the child’s age, family income, and opportunity gaps. These programs are located at Sorenson Early Childhood CenterWoodmoor Elementary, and Arrowhead Elementary Spaces will be filled on a first come first serve basis for eligible families. Families are encouraged to complete an application as soon as possible. The information on the application is confidential and used only to determine a child’s eligibility for the programs. The District does not require, check, or report on immigration or DSHS status. View the applications for income-eligible free preschool.

Tuition Programming

The Ready Start programs are located at Sorenson Early Childhood Center and Woodmoor Elementary. Spaces will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Families are encouraged to complete an application as soon as possible. View the application for tuition-based programs.

To learn more about any of our district preschool programs, visit the Northshore Early Childhood District website

Families who have questions can call 425.408.5517

New Process for Reporting an Absence: 4 Simple Steps

We have a new, easy way for families to let our school know when their student is absent! While we know regular attendance is one of the most powerful ways to prepare your student for success, we also know that sometimes students must miss school for a variety of reasons. Next time that happens for your family, let us know through ParentVUE:

  • Login to ParentVUE
  • Click the “Report Absence” button next to the name of your absent student
  • Fill in the fields with the date(s) of the absence and provide an explanation
  • Click to submit, automatically notifying the school of the absence

Learn more or view step-by-step images and instructions. You can use this method to report an absence of up to 4 days. As a reminder, an absence of 5 days or longer requires families to submit a Notice of Pre-Arranged Extended Absence Form

Volunteering and Visiting Arrowhead

The season for volunteering is here! Please remember that in order to be a volunteer in the classroom you need to have your level 1 volunteer status. If you would like to volunteer for a field trip this year, please make sure to have your level 2 volunteer status. If you have had level 2 in the past, complete the following form and double check that your level 1 is status is up to date as well. 

We love having you in our classrooms and on field trips so please make sure to get your clearance in time for celebrations, classroom activities, and field trips. 

Please plan a few extra minutes the next time you are campus to volunteer or visit for us to print your visitor badge. You will be asked for your license the first time. We can also access your information with your name and birthdate. For people who visit/volunteer frequently, we will save your badge to reuse. All visitors must check out of this system before leaving every time.

We appreciate your patience and partnership as we get this new system running smoothly and ensuring our campus is safe.

Health Room News

Holiday, Food, Clothing, and other Resources:

Please see the following NSD link if you need any resources for your student or family: https://www.nsd.org/resources/support/assistance

You may also contact the school nurse or school counselor if you need assistance.

Covid & Respiratory Viruses – Please review the following DOH guidelines:

If you test positive for COVID-19 or another respiratory virus, follow CDC guidance for staying home and away from others; this includes people you live with who are not sick.

You can go back to your normal activities when both of the following have been true for at least 24 hours:

  • Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
  • You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).

When you go back to your normal activities, wear a mask and take added precautions over the next 5 days. You may still be contagious with a respiratory virus after returning to your normal activities, so it is important to take additional precautions.

  • People with COVID-19 are often contagious for 5-10 days after their illness begins.
  • People with flu may be contagious for up to 5-7 days after their illness begins.
  • People with RSV are usually contagious for 3-8 days after their illness begins.

Free Covid tests kits are available to order from USPS to your residential address. 


Any medicine your student may need during the school day, must be discussed with the nurse. Please do not put any kind of medicine, including over the counter products, in your child's lunch box, backpack, or pockets. Any medicine, supplements or over the counter products must always be brought to school by an adult and accompanied with completed paperwork. Please call the nurse if you have any questions.

Please see the following link if you need medication or other health forms for your student: https://www.nsd.org/schools/get-started/health-services/forms-for-health

Returning to school after winter break:

Please be sure your student is feeling well and is rested to return to school on January 6th. Returning after an extended break can challenging if your family has been traveling or has been ill over the break. If your student requires medication in the morning to feel better they are probably not ready to return to school. You can always call the office or nurse in the morning to discuss.

Library News

IT'S HERE!!!!.....Scholastic Book Fair December 9-13  

This will be our first Scholastic Book Fair since 2023! Volunteer times will be during the school day and for 1-2 evening openings. If you can help or if you would like to be the “lead” volunteer on this, please let me know! Check the website for a sign up and for eWallet.

Junior League of Seattle People in Art Exhibit–In our Library Now!

This traveling exhibit is with us until December 12.

Thank you! 

Our Give Back Night at Third Place Books and MOD PIzza raised $926.69 for our library! What a fun and festive evening of books, craft, reading and Mac Barnett before the big storm! Thank you all for supporting our library and our students’ reading joy.

Returning books 

Please encourage your children to store their library books in one location at home(s) to help with not losing them! Returning books as soon as you are finished with them is always a great idea. The library is open before school every day and books can be dropped off at any time. 

Hour of Code 

Hour of Code will be December 16-20. Hour of Code is a worldwide event to encourage and introduce computer literacy and programming in children. We’ll be doing a variety of activities during library time during the week. Watch the library newsletter and instagram (@arrowheadhawksread) for more info!

Arrowhead Library is open each morning at 8:35! Stop by and start the day with reading and exploring the library!

Check out our Library Website here! 

-Ms. Ginny Allemann


Technology Tidbits

Are you traveling over the holidays and bringing your student device or logging into a personal device with your student credentials? 

If you are traveling within the United States, make sure you join the local wifi. If your Chromebook is having trouble connecting, restart the device.

Some hotel wifis will not work on student devices. 

If you are traveling out of the country, you need to request access through a student ticket. After your Pre-Arranged Absence form has been approved by Principal Bailey, email Amy Smith to request out-of-country access. You will need to share the beginning and end dates of travel and to what country. The request will be routed to the technology department and processed. Please allow 3-5 days for processing.

PE News

Heart with healthy living pics inside.  Healthy Lifestyle written at the center

Welcome to PE!

December PE Newsletter

Thank you, Volunteers!

Group photo of volunteers at Community Serve Day 2024

We are so grateful to PTA and this amazing community for their support!

Book Fair Volunteers

Our Book Fair could not happen without our many Library regulars who signed up for set up, shifts during the week, and take down. We are so grateful for your help.

PTA Thanksgiving Pie Drive

A huge thank you to every volunteer who brought a pie(s) so each staff member could take one home for Thanksgiving Break. We are still enjoying pies there were so many!


WE are blessed to have PTA and this community for our partners! PTA provided pizza and water for hungary Community Serve Day volunteers, hosted Kindergarten and all school playdates this summer and kicked off a great Welcome Back Event for families. They approved recent Staff and classroom funds, SEC grants for multiple field trip entry fees, Art Docent training and support for art in every classroom, OT/PT handwriting supplies, and more!

Field Trip and Classroom Volunteers

Our classes wouldn't be able to go on field trips without our numerous volunteers who chaperone students and assist school staff with small groups, projects and lead art docent lessons.

Library Volunteers

Our amazing Library volunteers keep our Library in top shape, checking books in and out, helping find that just right book, and assisting Ms. Ginny with special projects.

PTA Corner

Arrowhead Elementary Parent Teacher Associations mission is to positively impact the lives of all children and families within the Arrowhead community. We strive to support and advocate for our children by partnering with staff, families and the wider community to create a safe, inclusive and healthy learning environment allowing our students to excel personally, academically and socially.

Thank you to our Hawk Community!

Board Game Night a huge success!

huge thank you our Middle School Hawks and all of the families who joined us in the gym on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd for games, fun, and community! We got a great kick off to our winter food drive from all who came!

Help us reach our membership goal and our students get a dance!

We are only 38 memberships away from meeting our goal of 200! Please join or renew your membership. Cost is $15 per person (or $25 per family).  Join HERE 

Help us reach our membership goal and students will get a dance in the school gym after recess on Friday, 12/20. PLUS all members will be entered into a drawing during the dance to receive a date night gift card package (dinner and a movie)! Join today!

Winter Food Drive:

Help support our community members in need by donating to our winter food drive through Food Lifeline. Donations will be collected in each classroom and boxes at the front office. Food Drive ends December 18. To make it more fun and involve students, each classroom will have a food drive challenge to see which class can donate the most!

Needed items:

  • Canned tuna/salmon       
  • Pet food and supplies     
  • Rice and pasta               
  • Beef stew/chili                 
  • Macaroni and cheese       
  • Peanut butter/nuts          
  • Oatmeal                        
  • Diapers and wipes          
  • Baby food   
  • Breakfast cereal   
  • Beans/legumes  
  • Canned vegetables 
  • Canned fruit   
  • Sauces and spices   
  • Infant formula 
  • Personal care items (toothbrush, soap, etc)

Scholastic Book Fair:

Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the Arrowhead Library during the week of December 9-13th. This is a fun event and volunteers are needed to make it happen!  Please sign up here.

Highlights: Arrowhead PTA Weekly Newsletter

Our weekly newsletter provides the latest on what’s going on through the Arrowhead PTA and helps you stay connected! Subscribe HERE

See you in January!

Next PTA General Meeting will be Tuesday, 1/21 at 6:00pm in the Arrowhead Library

Arrowhead Hawks SOAR by being Safe, Kind, and Responsible

At Arrowhead, we create resilient and empathetic learners who confidently navigate their world through being innovative, creative, critical thinkers.​​​​​​


Northshore School District is enriched by the many experiences and perspectives each individual member brings to our District and community.  Therefore, out District prohibits discrimination based on age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, cognitive, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.